Main moves
We were appointed by The Crown Estate to undertake the comprehensive refurbishment of a prominent building in the Regent Street Conservation Area. Our proposals encompassed 883 sqm of office space across six floors and 279 sqm of retail across two units, as well as the cleaning and repair of the building’s historic stone façades, and the addition of new bronze shopfronts at ground level. The entrance is relocated around the corner from Regent Street to Little Portland Street, improving access and creating a welcoming and impactful reception space for the new building and adjacent Langham block.

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Our team at work during an internal design review
The building core is reconfigured to increase efficiency and improve access to the offices, with the removal of the staircase, narrow doorways and corridors found in the former layout. Knocking through to the adjacent building enabled both sites to share fire escapes and reception. A new ten-person lift is added, and the services refreshed. The building envelope is uprated to improve user comfort, which – combined with modern building services – results in a BREEAM Very Good rating. The offices are refurbished to high quality to allow for a new ‘plug and play’ workspace concept, offering flexible leases on fully furnished and managed office space with 24 hour security, lockers, cycle parking and showers.

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